Daily Archives: October 20, 2019

How To Avoid Burnout As A Childcare Worker

Are you feeling the burn(out)? Learn how to identify the symptoms of burnout in childcare. People outside of the world of early childhood education are often fooled by all of the “time off” childcare providers and teachers get throughout the … Read More

How To Lead A Low-Stress Move To A Child Care Management System

4 Important Steps To Help You & Your Staff Embrace The Digital Age The benefits of moving to a child care management system are numerous and well documented. What is far less well known is how to prepare. Transitioning from … Read More

How To Fire Up Your Childcare Center Staff

Igniting excitement and community in your school for the next semester — FIRE UP YOUR STAFF!! Whether you are a student or a teacher, there is something about the beginning of the term or school year that is special. The … Read More

Why Meal Restrictions And Allergies Are Nothing To Sneeze At!

How to Track & Use Meal Restrictions and Allergy Information to Ensure Child Safety Peanuts. Gluten. Ants. Bees. Grass. Pollen. Mold. There is no shortage of allergens affecting our kids today. Whether these allergens have always existed or we are … Read More

Demystifying Electronic Payment

Demystifying the electronic payment process so that you can accept credit card payments from parents. It’s time to cut through the confusion surrounding electronic payments so that you can make the right options for your organization more clear. With off-the-shelf … Read More

Turning The Tables On A Toxic Workplace Culture

Have you ever been in that work environment where everything is fine until you get to work, and then it’s all downhill? It’s not you. It’s not even the work itself. It’s the culture. Could be the people or the … Read More

Child Care Accounting Made Easy

How To Collect Tuition & Payments From Parents Without All The Fuss Money is such a sensitive subject. No one wants to have to ask for it, but many people simply don’t want to part with it. It is one … Read More

Building A Constructive Parent Feedback Program For Your Childcare Center

Survey Says: Constructive ways to Collect, Evaluate, and Implement Change Based on Parent Feedback. Do you consider the parents of your preschool, day care center, or after school program to be enemies or allies? Have you ever even thought about … Read More

Best Practices For Managing Difficult Parents

Whether you are a veteran teacher, center director or staff member, at some point in your career as a childcare worker, you will encounter difficult-to-please parents. Learn how to handle tough conversations about a child’s behavior, build healthy relationships, and avoid unpleasant interactions with even the most difficult-to-please parents. … Read More

How To Fall Back In Love With Child Care

4 Ways To Improve Your Job Satisfaction, Work Through The Bad Days, And Stay Focused On The Big Picture. Regardless of our role or position, a common theme among most educators is the idea that we love being around kids. … Read More

How To Kick Start Your Classroom & Inspire Creativity In Childcare

Who Says You Have To Color Inside The Lines? Gone (and good riddance) are the days of desks aligned in rows and teaching to an answer. Gone are the days of ignoring the process or inventiveness of how someone arrived … Read More