Preschool & Montessori Schools

We enable preschools to communicate their curriculum effectively and much more​

We know your preschool prides itself on your curriculum, so our Customer Portal enables you to communicate it to parents easily. In fact, your curriculum can be managed by your teachers, who can publish in the Customer Portal, along with such things as milestones and benchmarks. You and your teachers can also conveniently assess your students based on common evaluation types.

Registration and enrollment that saves time, paper, and money

As you know all too well, registration/enrollment is one of your most time-consuming and paper-intensive tasks. Prime can save you gobs of time and reams of paper by enabling you to create and edit your own online enrollment forms.

Our customers agree. They report that they not only save time, but that they reduce their operational costs by as much as 25% just by switching to our easy-as-can-be online enrollment function.

Parent communication that helps you retain and build your clients

The quality of the communication is, in study after study, the key measure of the quality of a relationship. That’s why parent communication is the key to winning relationships with your customers and their students.

Prime offers invaluable ways to keep your parents informed and engaged, including our full-featured parent portal, easily managed daily sheets, email and text messaging.

Cash collection that keeps money flowing in your direction

Our customers have more certain cash collections. An important reason is that our solution enables them to have credit cards integrated into it – at a fraction of the cost of other solutions.

Freedom from manual payroll and staff management

Managing your payroll and staff can be almost as challenging as managing your students. Prime empowers you with HR tools that automate many of the functions, so you can enjoy accurate payroll and time reporting. You can also easily track training hours and certifications. The result is the life-changing benefit called more personal time.

Prime Automated Billing and Online Payments

Sure, keeping up with billing and payments is critical to any business. It’s how you keep the lights on. Prime makes managing your billing and collecting payments a snap with easy-to-use tools, reports, and alerts. Like all of our customers, you’ll also be able to capture revenue from CACFP while you reduce the time and cost of administering the process.

Our Promise

Our Promise

We’ll tell you if we can solve your management challenges and we’ll always be there for you with responsive support.

We’ll tell you if we can solve your management challenges and we’ll always be there for you with responsive support.

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