Category: Childcare Software

5 Ways to Incorporate Technology into Your Daycare’s Emergency Plan

It’s essential to have an emergency plan in place for any variety of emergencies that could crop up during an average day at your childcare center. The use of technology can provide instant communication during moments of crisis and eliminate extra tasks that could take attention away from children when they need it most. … Read More

Employee Performance Evaluation Template

Evaluating your childcare staff has never been easier! Periodic performance evaluations ensure your staff is meeting and exceeding your expectations. Make the process easy with this free employee evaluation form from Prime Childcare Software.

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Prime Child Care COVID-19 Resources

As the COVID-19 crisis took hold in America, countless childcare centers throughout the country were forced to shutter their facilities. All the while, some have been overrun with admissions and are struggling to meet newfound demand.

Since the pandemic arose, we have received an influx of questions from our customers. To address these questions, the Prime Child Care Software team has prepared COVID-19 resources for the daycares we serve and even those we don’t.

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