daycare business success

How to Know If It’s Time to Hire Fewer (or More!) Daycare Teachers

Finding the right balance with staffing numbers is always tricky, even in the best of times. Like most businesses, though, day care centers are making tough financial decisions to keep their doors open. … Read More

Staff Interview Questions

As you look to hire new employees for your childcare center, coming up with interview questions can be a struggle. We’ve compiled this free batch of thorough questions to help you get to know your childcare staff candidates, all right at your fingertips.

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Employee Performance Evaluation Template

Evaluating your childcare staff has never been easier! Periodic performance evaluations ensure your staff is meeting and exceeding your expectations. Make the process easy with this free employee evaluation form from Prime Childcare Software.

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Daycare teacher and children; classroom ideas for July.

6 Delightful Classroom Ideas for July

Children love summer. With these July classroom ideas, you’ll keep them happy, engaged, and content all the way to August! … Read More

The COVID-19 Childcare Dilemma: Encouraging Parents to Send Their Kids Back to Daycare

More parents are working from home than ever before. We share our best tips for encouraging parents to send their kids back to daycare. … Read More

3 Reasons to Utilize a Dedicated Daycare Mobile App

Running a successful facility requires consistent and open lines of communication with parents. But, what happens when they ignore your attempts at communicating? This is where a dedicated daycare mobile app comes in. … Read More

A man disinfecting a classroom as part of reopening daycare facilities post-COVID-19

Considerations for Reopening Daycare Facilities Post-COVID-19

Are you getting ready to reopen your daycare? Get important information about what it takes to reopen safely post-COVID-19. … Read More

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