classroom ideas for daycares

12 Simple Ways to Incorporate More Movement into Your Daycare Lessons

One of the keys to successful children’s development is the movement. Research shows that encouraging movement can give children an opportunity to develop self-awareness, master non-verbal ways of communication, and learn more about their bodies. … Read More

Daycare teacher and children; classroom ideas for July.

6 Delightful Classroom Ideas for July

Children love summer. With these July classroom ideas, you’ll keep them happy, engaged, and content all the way to August! … Read More

Daycare class in session; classroom ideas for June.

6 Inspiring Classroom Ideas for June

Summer is finally here! Implement these classroom ideas to keep your young charges excited about learning. … Read More

Sharing a hug; happy teacher with great classroom ideas for April.

7 Exciting Classroom Ideas for April

April showers keep the grass green and fresh. Similarly, these classroom ideas will keep learning fun for your students. … Read More

Smiling teacher in a daycare.

10 Fun March Classroom Ideas

It’s spring! If you’re wondering how to keep the attention of young learners, these 10 classroom ideas should help. … Read More

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