Childcare Software

10 Benefits of Custom Daycare Menus

In recent years, the topic of childhood nutrition has gained widespread interest. Meanwhile, the rise of food allergies, with two students in each classroom having an identified food allergy, have boosted calls for custom daycare menus.

Because of heightened awareness about nutrition, many families have also adopted gluten-free, dairy-free, or plant-based diets. Between complying with the USDA’s CACFP meal requirements and meeting the evolving needs of families, childcare directors have their hands full. If this sounds like what you face on a weekly basis, take heart! Prime Child Care Software offers comprehensive meal management to take the task off your hands. With our custom meal planning solution, parents can choose what their kids eat. Not sure if you should offer custom meal plans? If so, check out the 10 benefits of doing so!

1. It Keeps Kids Safe

As childcare workers, safety is always top-of-mind. With allergies, autoimmune diseases, and food intolerances on the rise, it’s imperative to know what each child is eating. According to the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Connection Team, the number of people with food allergies in America has doubled in each of the last few decades, with 32 million people having at least one food allergy. That figure includes six million children. Prime Child Care’s meal management feature minimizes the risk of allergic reactions by giving parents and teachers realtime access to menu and student health information data.

2. It Keeps Kids Engaged

Hungry kids have a hard time focusing on school. Research from Feeding America suggests that kids not only struggle to learn without ample nutrition, but they are also at risk of developing language, motor skill, and behavioral impairments. In addition, if you serve food that students can’t or won’t eat, they’re less likely to absorb classroom instruction. Harvard researchers found that what kids eat directly affects the structure and function of their brains and, ultimately, their moods. Since your digesitve tract houses the majority of the serotonin in your body, a happy tummy promotes positive moods. So, provide options for families in order to promote better mental and physical health.

3. It Simplifies Oversight

In the interest of keeping kids healthy, childcare workers need options. It’s simply not feasible for teachers to flip through office files every time a child eats lunch. With Prime Child Care, teachers can access meal plans from their phones. It’s easy to do a quick check to ensure that each student receives the correct meal. And, parents can log in to choose what their kids eat. Prime Child Care also allows teachers to access digital dietary notes left behind by parents. This two-way communication reduces the need for parents to email teachers for information or send in supplemental foods.

4. It Reduces Anxiety

Mealtimes should be enjoyable for kids. It’s a chance to relax, interact with their peers, and eat foods they like. But for many kids, parents, and teachers, mealtime can be a source of anxiety. Some children become nervous when they see unfamiliar foods on their plates. Meanwhile, teachers worry about things like allergies, choking hazards, and parental expectations. As for parents, the main worry is whether their kids will get enough to eat and especially, of the right foods. With meal planning software, the anxiety dissipates, since everyone knows what to expect. Kids can select meals that appeal to them, and parents can choose the components of each type of meal. Teachers can also rest easy, knowing that children are eating exactly what their parents want them to. This fosters parent-teacher collaboration, where everyone is working together in the best interests of the child.

5. It Provides Payment Options

Prime Child Care Software determines the amount of each meal payment, whether it’s paid out-of-pocket or through CACFP. Parents can customize meals and select prices that fit their budget with drag-and-drop menu planning. Our software also automatically deducts the cost of each meal from the student’s account. And, parents can upload funds at any time. Many parents appreciate the ability to determine what they purchase, rather than paying a set fee for food their kids may not eat.

6. It Enhances Nutrition

While many childcare centers emphasize nutrition, not all of them follow CACFP guidelines for meal patterns. These recommendations made by the National Academy of Medicine include cost and practical considerations, as well as an emphasis on produce, whole grains, and low sugar and saturated fat content. Breakfast requires three required elements for a reimbursable meal, while lunch and dinner require five healthy ones. Special consideration is made for at-risk, after-school participants and for portion sizes in kids ages 13-18. In addition, the standards align with that of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and other child nutrition programs. Ultimately, childcare centers that offer meal options compliant with CACFP are more effective at delivering affordable, nutritious meals for the entire student body.

7. It Increases Retention

Many childcare centers conduct surveys to identify parental satisfaction levels. Even if your center doesn’t do that, you can bet most kids are reporting on their level of satisfaction when they get home each day. Custom daycare menus give families a sense of autonomy. They also accommodate different budgets, which make your center more attractive to parents — a huge determinant of higher student retention rates. In addition, when you offer custom daycare menus through Prime Child Care, you also increase your employee retention rates. Childcare is a rewarding, yet tiring job, and each effort you make to simplify tasks will improve employee satisfaction. Removing the extra steps teachers have to take to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the children under their care is a gift.

8. It Fosters Inclusion

Prime Child Care’s Nutrition and Meal-Planning Software is inclusive in concept and practice. With different payment plans and payment methods, all parents can find a way to ensure their children’s wellbeing. Custom daycare menus also includes everyone in the fun of eating. Kids no longer have to forgo special treats or certain foods that the rest of the class enjoys. Instead, students can choose their own meals, so there’s diversity on the table and a wealth of food options available. Above all, meals that follow CACFP guidelines are inclusive of all cultures and income levels. Children who don’t eat balanced meals or can’t afford to follow the guidelines at home are at a disadvantage. However, custom daycare menus level the playing field.

9. It Provides a Safety Net

Unfortunately, childcare centers experience widespread illnesses from time to time. Whether it’s the flu, a virus, or strep throat, little ones like to share space and toys which leads to the spreading of germs. With individual meal planning, your center is safeguarded in three ways. First, each child has his own meal, so it reduces the likelihood of contamination through shared utensils. Second, if a student suffers a food reaction, it’s easy to trace it back to what she ate. And third, if there are widespread symptoms, you can quickly link it to which kids consumed a certain food to distinguish between food poisoning or a stomach virus.

10. It Keeps You Competitive

Parents have much to consider when selecting the right daycare center. Today, nutrition is an increasingly significant factor in their decision. Childcare centers that don’t provide menu options for picky eaters and protection from allergens won’t stand up to the competition. Obviously, your primary goal is providing top-notch care for your young charges. However, the reality is that you need to attract enough families to keep your business afloat and deliver on your mission. In that light, Prime Child Care Software is an efficient way to position your center for success. If you’d like to learn more about Prime Child Care’s meal management feature, contact us today! Our meal solutions are just the beginning. We can assist with all of your software needs, from enrollment to attendance tracking, parent engagement, and billing. Let us streamline your operations to maximize your daycare’s potential today.

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Daycare center management; maintaining optimum classroom ratios.

Meeting Quality Standards With Optimum Classroom Ratios

Childcare is about movement. Children gravitate from the classroom to the playground. Within the span of a day, they may alternate between shared spaces and individual workstations multiple times. Often, it can be a challenge to keep track of a child’s movements, let alone ratio counts. Yet, maintaining optimum classroom ratios is critical to complying with quality standards.

To do this, you need accurate records. Otherwise, your center may find it a challenge to comply with teacher-student ratio requirements. At a minimum, a compliance violation must be corrected within a specified timeframe. 

Individual states, not the federal government, oversee all compliance requirements and corrective measures. As a result, the consequences for failure to comply vary from state to state. In that light, a software solution that features scheduling and attendance tracking makes it easier to meet quality standards.

What are Classroom Ratios?

Classroom ratios refer to the number of children under the charge of a caregiver. The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) publishes ratio guidelines; however, states can set their own ratio standards. In most instances, states allow more children per caregiver than the NAEYC. 

That said, every childcare center or school should check its state and local websites for more guidance about mandatory ratios. 

The following ratios for infants through high-school graduation are from the NAEYC guidelines.


Infants are babies from birth to 15 months.  A room of six infants should have two caregivers. That’s a ratio of one caregiver for every three babies (1:3). In addition, the maximum number of infants per room should not exceed eight with a maximum ratio of 1:4.


The recommended ratio for toddlers from one year to 28 months is 1:3. One caregiver should work with three toddlers in a group of six. In classes with eight to 12 toddlers, there should be at least one instructor for every four toddlers.

Twos and Threes

A room of two-year-olds should have one teacher for every four children.  For groups of 10, the minimum ratio should be 1:5, and for groups of 12, the ratio should be 1:6. 

Developmentally, there’s a significant difference between a two and a three-year-old. So, maintaining optimum classroom ratios is critical for this age range. Three-year-olds (30 to 48 months) are better at listening and following instructions. For three-year-olds, the instructor to children ratio should be 1:7. For groups of 16 or more, the ratio should be at least:

  • 1:8 for 16 children
  • 1:9 for 18 children
  • 1:10 for 20 children

Finally, the maximum number of children in a toddler class should not exceed 20.

Fours and Fives

Four and five-year-olds are more independent in nature, so the child to instructor ratio should be higher. Still, the recommended maximum number of children per classroom remains at 20. There should be one instructor for every eight children in this age group. For a group of 19, the ratio should be 1:9. And, for 20 children, the ratio should be at least 1:20.


For kindergartners, the recommended classroom size is 24, with a teacher to student ratio of at least 1:12. However, a ratio of 1:10 is preferred.

School-Age Children

Your facility may or may not provide care for school-age children. If you do, ratios for children from first through 12th grade will depend on the state.  The highest ratio is in Mississippi with 1:27. Meanwhile, several states recommend a classroom ratio of 1:16 or 1:15. For the right ratios, be sure to check with your state Department of Education.

Why Maintain Optimum Classroom Ratios?

Educators and administrators may argue about optimum class sizes or the validity of test results. However, studies have shown that reducing the class size has meaningful long-term effects on student academic performance. It is suggested that reduced class sizes also impacts non-cognitive outcomes.  The educational benefits are most noticeable in the early stages of childhood development. But, aside from academic improvement, why are classroom ratios used?

The Safety of Children

Classroom ratios were primarily established for the safety of the child.  Younger children require a lower teacher to child ratio. Obviously, an infant is not as self-sufficient as a kindergartner. Also, ensuring a child’s safety goes beyond the classroom. It is also about making sure children are out of harm’s way during a natural disaster such as tornadoes or flash floods. 

The Health of Teachers and Students

Smaller class sizes also reduce the occurrence of infectious diseases.  During the flu season, some facilities may close due to illness. Often, the lack of teachers forces the closure. Keeping caregivers healthy is another reason for lower ratios. In light of the COVID-19 crisis, daycare centers that remain open should follow CDC guidelines for school settings.

Finally, maintaining optimum classroom ratios is also an effective way to avoid burnout and decrease high staff turnover.

Parental Assessment

All things considered, many parents favor childcare facilities with the lowest teacher to child ratios. The following quote is an example of what appears in every guide to finding childcare.

In general, lower staff-to-child ratios are one indicator of a higher-quality program because a child care provider can be more sensitive and responsive to children’s needs if he/she is responsible for a smaller group of children. The lower the ratio, the better the program.  

Since parents are being told that low ratios are an indicator of quality, maintaining them is essential for business viability.  

Maintaining Optimum Classroom Ratios With the Right Technology

Maintaining a record of your ratios is necessary for compliance reporting.  If the state licensing agency decides to perform an unannounced inspection, you don’t want to be caught unawares. And, rushing to put together the necessary data while inspectors wait can reflect poorly on your daycare center. 

However, technology can substantially reduce the time and effort involved in tracking classroom ratios. With student attendance and scheduling modules, records can be kept up-to-date throughout the day. In addition, you can run reports to evaluate your classroom ratios and note areas for improvement. These reports can be used during compliance audits and open house days, when parents ask for the data. With less time spent on administrative duties, you’ll have more time for what you do best: interacting with parents and ensuring that the children under your care thrive.

Looking for a technology solution to help your center maintain optimum classroom ratios? Prime Child Care Software has attendance and scheduling modules that can be accessed from any device. If you’d like to learn more about our leading-edge solution, contact us today.

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Prime Childcare V2.6 Now Supports Daily Body Temperature Checks to Protect Daycares and Other Facilities

Prime Childcare V2.6 now allows temperature checks that can be customized to meet facility standards, while being compliant with various state and local mandates. Facility administrators set a maximum temperature threshold which alerts staff whenever a child exceeds that number, thus allowing receptionists to institute containment protocols as established by each individual facility.

The daily and weekly numbers also provide important data needed by regulatory bodies to help understand real-time pandemic statistics as they relate to childcare facilities. Existing clients are asked to upgrade from V2.5 to V2.6 to see the newest additions to the software, explained in greater detail HERE.  

“With a global pandemic underway, regulatory bodies, local authorities, and childcare facilities are now requiring childcare facilities to check children’s temperatures as they enter the building,” said Prime Childcare CTO, Rob Smith.

“It’s becoming a ubiquitous practice that allows childcare professionals to screen for sick children before they are housed with other children. We understand that adding a new procedure can be complicated, and getting children through the door as quickly as possible is also a priority. So we’ve ensured that this new temperature check-in happens immediately during a normal batch check-in, and alerts receptionists immediately if there is a problem. We’ve made this as easy and streamlined as possible, to continue delivering the speed and convenience our customers have come to expect.”

Prime Childcare Software V2.6

Managing a childcare center is a complex process that requires a variety of multitasking administrative functions, while also allowing for interpersonal relationships with children, parents and staff. Prime Childcare Software offers a host of software solutions that ease the burden on administrators and staff, with easy-to-use supported and constantly upgraded software applications built specifically for childcare settings, and all in compliance with local and federal security procedures.  

Each Prime Childcare system is tailored to the individual facility, allowing administrators to make adjustments that suit their particular operation. Prime Childcare Software users are evaluated to determine specific needs and problem areas, map out customized plans based on those needs, provided live training and personalized support, given regular first-year evaluations of service, and given access to personal support whenever needed.

Prime Childcare Software offers unprecedented benefits via a cloud-based childcare management system that evolves and grows as the business grows. And multi-device functionality and mobile apps make it easier than ever to engage parents in the childcare process, allowing administrators to involve parents in any aspect of the process they wish.

Administrators can go online to schedule a demo or speak to a solution consultant about the many ways that Prime Childcare enables schools and daycares to provide quick, thorough check-ins, as well as manage a host of other administrative functions.  

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The risks of operating with paper copies.

6 Risks of Operating With Paper Copies of Forms & Student Records

As a childcare provider, you have a high calling. 

As a childcare provider, you face countless stresses and understand the risks of operating with paper copies. Yet, making a change is easier said than done.

For childcare providers, keeping track of student records is both a time-consuming and laborious process. These records include parent contact information, vendor data, licensing documents, vaccination records, enrollment forms, utility bills, lunch program reimbursements, etc. The key to running a successful childcare center is maintaining an efficient and user-friendly recordkeeping process. This way, you have quick access to all the information you need to answer queries from parents and teachers.

While your state may require you to keep physical copies of certain data, maintaining a cabinet of paper records presents a number of risks to your facility’s operation. In response to these challenges, daycare providers are increasingly turning to digital recordkeeping systems as cyber technologies continue to evolve. If you’re still keeping paper records exclusively, here are six risks faced by childcare centers that rely on them. 

Paper Copies Present a Security Risk

As a childcare provider, you may be responsible for the safekeeping of numerous records, many of which contain sensitive information about the children in your care. You may also have records that highlight personally identifiable information about your children’s parents. This can include birthdates, social security numbers, bank account numbers, and other financial records. 

When you store paper copies of this sensitive data, you must rely on the physical security systems in place. However, when you store student and parent data on a software system that has stringent security protocols, you greatly reduce the possibility of a data breach. A robust software system also regularly backs up data so it can be retrieved in the event of a natural disaster.

Plus, a digital system’s utilization of unique passwords also eliminates the risk of unauthorized access to private information. It represents a more secure and streamlined way to safeguard vitally important data. 

Paper Copies Are Easy to Misplace

Paper copies are easy to distribute, and paper is generally accessible in any office. However, this flexibility comes at a cost: papers are easy to misplace. In addition, an employee may accidentally spill coffee on them, take them home by accident, or leave them exposed to prying eyes.

And, one of your team members may take a file home for research purposes and forget to return it. A file may also be returned to the wrong pile, leaving it earmarked for the paper shredder, recycling bin, or trash receptacle.  

Paper Copies Are Hard to Back-Up

The prospect of losing your files can be stress-inducing. The importance of backing up hard copies can’t be over-emphasized. In fact, creating duplicates of your records is an essential practice. A digital archiving system is a critical tool, in case a parent needs a copy of a particular document at a moment’s notice.

With paper copies, you’ll have to create backups manually. This involves either typing, writing, or creating a photocopy. This may not seem like a lot of time for one document. However, the time-spend increases exponentially when you apply that process to every record you must track. This type of manual labor can put a dent in your staff’s overall productivity as they scramble to backup all of your records.  

Paper-Based Accounting Can Complicate Matters

Whether you’re creating a budget or reviewing your financial records from the past quarter, you’ll need access to your files to perform accounting procedures. Paper copies present the potential for disorganized records. When it’s time to manage your accounting, you’ll want everything located in a central repository. This facilitates the ease of making calculations or forecasts. 

If you have a CPA, an efficient daycare management system can be integrated with the pertinent accounting software.

Paper Copies May Be Inaccessible During Critical Moments

Having copies of documents on hand is a necessity for daycare providers. There’s a chance you’ll need them when you least expect it. However, if you rely solely on a manual documentation system, you may feel chained to the office. Going out to lunch or working from home can be fraught with stress: all the files you need are at the office.

You may need quick access to a document to: 

  • Verify allergy information
  • Ascertain that all immunizations are compliant with state regulations
  • Access emergency contact information in case you’re unable to reach a parent or guardian
  • Verify authorized adults to pick up children
  • Address a parent’s evening phone call about something that happened in the classroom. 

You’ll need a well-organized filing system in place to have quick access to your documents. A software system provider can also offer a hands-on training program to ensure your staff knows how to operate the system efficiently.

Paper Copies Make the Updating Process a Challenge

Paper records require manual editing, which can be fraught with human errors. With a paperless software system, you can make effortless digital updates. You can even generate automatic notifications to remind you to check-in with parents about their current records. 

Minimize the Risks of Operating With Paper Copies by Deploying Prime Child Care Software

Your childcare center faces many risks when dealing with paper copies. For one, they create additional manual responsibilities for you and your staff. You can also incur a huge liability for misplacing or mishandling records of sensitive data.

That’s why opting for a childcare software solution can help. You and your staff work hard to provide decent, quality care for the children at your childcare center. You deserve effortless record-keeping that keeps pace with the needs of your business. Prime Child Care Software makes everyone’s job easier — from the administrator to your employees and volunteers. It also provides a more secure recordkeeping system that parents and external vendors will appreciate.  

If you’d like to avoid the risks of operating with paper copies, opt for a streamlined childcare software solution. Contact Prime Child Care Software today!

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Daycare manager understands that ease-of-use is critical when choosing software.

Why Ease-of-Use Is Critical When Choosing Software

Looking for daycare management software that includes online bill pay and reporting capabilities? 

If so, you’re likely weighing several factors before making a decision. Cost, governed by budget considerations, is sure to top your list of considerations. The ability to customize is also important. And of course, security poses a major concern, due to the sensitive nature of your data. However, have you considered why ease-of-use is critical when choosing software?

It may, in fact, be the single most important issue to consider in the decision-making process.

But, why is that? Let’s take a closer look at why ease-of-use is such a critical quality for your daycare management software to have. 

Why Ease-of-Use Is Critical When Choosing Software for Daycare Management

You prize a diverse and dynamic workforce. But, you’re also a realist. While it’s great to have high retention rates, you also expect voluntary resignations to occur over time. It’s an inevitable part of running a childcare center.

Likewise, you know employees come with different skill sets. This isn’t a bad thing — a diverse workforce can prove advantageous for your daycare. Several of your team members may be great communicators while others possess high administrative skills. You may also have millennials working next to Baby Boomers. Meanwhile, some staff members possess great technical and digital marketing skills. 

Whether you’re onboarding new team members or working with a core group of loyal staff, ease-of-use is critical when choosing software. You want to utilize software that’s easy to adapt to and that functions seamlessly. Essentially, your daycare management software should accommodate a variety of skill sets. It should be intuitive, mobile-optimized, and easy to navigate.

Most importantly, the right software simplifies employee training. This is especially true in the process of onboarding. When you hire new staff, you must spend time explaining your policies and internal procedures. Ideally, your daycare management software should be a part of this training. With the right software, your team members can get up to speed pretty quickly. This ensures minimal downtime in your day-to-day operations. 

You and your team work hard — the digital tools you use should make your life easier, not more stressful

Why Other Factors Pale in Comparison to Ease-of-Use

Regardless of which software solution you choose, you have to prioritize the features that are most important to you and your team. After all, not all software systems are created equal. Each one has a different set of features that lead to varying benefits. 

That said, your childcare center should primarily focus on ease-of-use. Why? Because the software you choose will play a defining role in every aspect of your center’s operations. Choosing software that’s overly complicated or marginally intuitive increases your risk of failure when operating at multiple touchpoints throughout the day. 

Let’s take a typical day at your daycare center. In the morning, you have to take attendance. Then, when lunchtime rolls around, you have to verify allergy and medical information. Johnny may be allergic to peanuts, so he definitely won’t be having a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich. And, Samantha may be allergic to soy and wheat. So, she can’t have a banana cupcake.

But, let’s face it: Sticking Post-It notes on kitchen and classroom walls won’t do. That process is prone to human error. If you’re using software, you have a concrete process to fall back on. That said, you’ll still want the info to be accessible at a moment’s notice. You’ll also need your software to be up to the task of sending reports of the day’s activities to parents. 

What if you could have a seamless experience at each of those touchpoints throughout the day? Would it make your life easier? And, will your team be more efficient in achieving your business goals? Software with a high degree of complexity can impede operational efficiency. Instead of solving problems, your staff will spend hours interacting with helpdesk professionals and poring over tutorials to find answers.

Other Major Reasons Ease-of-Use Is Critical

There are multiple reasons to opt for an easy-to-use software platform:

An Intuitive Platform Helps Reduce Confusion

When your employees feel comfortable using the software, they’re bound to face fewer challenges. This will enable you to have a more efficient workday: the right software will limit the problems your team escalates to you. 

You Can Increase Compliance With USDA Requirements For Food Programs

Intuitive software makes it easy to keep up with food program regulations at the federal and state level. Whether you’re an after-school daycare, private daycare, or center offering a Head Start program, you’ll find CACFP compliance much easier with software that’s easy to set up and navigate.

It Makes Parent-to-Center Communication Smoother

There may be multiple touchpoints throughout the day where you need to reach out to parents. Perhaps, a child fell while playing hide-and-seek. Or, a student showed symptoms of a cold as the day progressed.

If a child has a special appointment, and her parents can’t pick her up, you’ll also need to confirm that another adult has permission to act as a designated pickup person. At other times, you may just want to follow up with updates about a child’s day, along with any accomplishments or incidents the parents should be aware of.

Whatever the reason for contacting the parents of your students, intuitive software facilitates rather than impedes parent-to-center communication. Your team can use the software to send updates and reports to parents without having to worry about navigating confusing interfaces. 

Ease-of-Use is Critical When Choosing Software

As can be seen, many factors go into deciding which daycare center management software is right for you. Still, you’ll want to prioritize ease-of-use as a critical factor in your decisionmaking. For the reasons outlined above, intuitive software will help you improve your center’s operations while making life much easier for your staff. It’s a win-win scenario. Interested in exploring a cloud software solution that’s easy to use? If so, contact Prime Child Care Software today to chat about how our solutions can work for you. [wd_hustle id=”5″ type=”embedded”/]
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Protect Student Data With a Software Privacy Audit

As a childcare provider, you have a high calling. 

Daily, you prioritize the safety of the children entrusted to your care. In the modern world, that includes not only providing a physical but also a digitally secure environment. In that light, nothing can be more important than data security and its counterpart, the software privacy audit.

Essentially, data security protects daycare staff, students, and parents. While privacy regulations differ from state to state, you must do everything you can to meet your obligations in this area. Parents expect nothing less.

Part of your responsibility will involve securing PII (personally identifiable information). The best way to do this is to subject your systems to careful testing.

Privacy and Security

The concepts of privacy and security in data management are related but not the same. You can have excellent security and yet fall short on privacy protection. Unquestionably, security is a matter of access control: the process of delivering data integrity through selective access.

Two of the most common types of access control are discretionary access control and mandatory access control. In the first, the owner of the software assigns the privileges of access to users. Some users will invariably receive greater access to sensitive data than others. Meanwhile, mandatory access control assigns access privileges to users based on a system’s security classifications.

Databases and APIs are especially vulnerable to privacy breaches. A database often contains a diverse range of information. Some applications need access to data that constitute PII while others don’t. Your software should be configured to grant access only to legitimate applications.

Similarly, SaaS products can be flexible enough for a range of purposes. However, an API (a software intermediary that allows two programs to communicate with each other) is especially susceptible. If it doesn’t have adequate security protections in place, it could provide access to untrusted applications or even to anyone who can run a script.

Children and PII (Personally Identifiable Information)

Privacy in a daycare environment applies to students, parents, and staff. The most important concern is the protection of personal identifiers, such as:

  • Names
  • Social Security numbers
  • Addresses
  • Pictures and videos
  • Fingerprints
  • Financial/banking credentials

Even information that doesn’t qualify as unique identifiers can be matched with public domain information to expose personal identities. For example, a person’s age, sex, and zip code can be used to single out an individual.

In certain situations, you may be legally required to disclose personal information to authorities. The software you use shouldn’t make it excessively difficult to comply with such requirements. At the same time, protection against abuse is necessary. Sometimes, officials demand more information than they’re legally entitled to. So, software privacy protections can help your employees reject invalid requests.

The Importance of Software Protections

Granularity in software protects data privacy. Parents should only be able to access information pertaining to their own children. And, employees should only have access to the functions that are necessary to do their jobs.

Your software should use role-based authorization to establish granularity in access. If an employee’s job doesn’t require seeing financial information or health records, the corresponding account shouldn’t make them available. Such restrictions keep employees from inadvertently giving out information they shouldn’t.

By and large, giving parents remote access to their children’s records is important. In today’s digital environment, interactive technologies facilitate collaboration between teachers and parents. However, you must ensure that these web services or apps don’t disclose sensitive data. To that end, only authorized users should be allowed to participate in information sharing.

The software configuration must be thoroughly tested so it doesn’t have any security holes. In many cases, pseudonyms help ensure data privacy. The software can refer to children by identifiers, and employees can look up specific IDs when needed.

How to Implement a Software Privacy Audit

For all these reasons, childcare centers should implement a software privacy audit to make sure it has strong privacy protections. MITRE Corporation has provided a good set of guidelines on how to conduct a software privacy audit. The purpose is to make sure the use of information is consistent with all applicable policies, laws, and regulations. An audit identifies gaps and weaknesses in privacy protections that need to be corrected. It’s an ongoing process, and there’s always room for improvement.

A general software privacy audit helps determine whether controls are in place to ensure data integrity. Professionals with information technology skills and experience should execute the audit process. Specifically, the audit will check for a variety of risks, such as:

  • Impersonation and identity theft. The software shouldn’t be difficult to use but should be able to assign access privileges.
  • Insider threats. Role management should limit the amount of information that non-specialized employees have access to.
  • Insecure APIs. A service that exposes information through an API should use a strong form of authentication before responding to any request for potentially sensitive data.
  • Release of excessive information. Each transaction should provide only the information required. Queries that return unlimited access to data can be exploited by hackers.
  • Inadequate technical safeguards. This includes problems such as leaving copies of information in unprotected locations, transmitting data insecurely, and failing to erase obsolete information.

Options for Privacy Protection

If you host your own software, you need to keep up with any security patches the vendor issues. But, if you use a cloud-based SaaS offering that comes with patch management, the required patches will be deployed automatically.

Essentially, account management is central to privacy protection. User accounts should have strong passwords containing a mixture of uppercase and lowercase characters, numbers, and special characters. And, expired accounts should be promptly deleted. Most importantly, only key personnel should have access to administrator accounts that provide access to sensitive data. These accounts also need the strongest protections, such as two-factor or multi-factor authentication.

The Benefits of a Software Privacy Audit

The improper exposure of confidential data isn’t always obvious. Thus, a software privacy audit is necessary to spot any potential breaches. Catching security leaks before they turn into real problems will keep the children in your facility safe from predators or unscrupulous individuals with malicious intent.

And, it’s important to repeat the process periodically. Software configurations change and privacy risks evolve over time. A software privacy audit, followed by the correction of any problems that it discovers, will assure parents that their children’s information is in good hands.

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Sharing a hug; happy teacher with great classroom ideas for April.

7 Exciting Classroom Ideas for April

Whether you’re a veteran teacher or knee-deep in your first year of teaching, you know how important it is to keep your students interested and engaged in the learning process.

However, coming up with new lesson plan ideas isn’t always easy. Fortunately, the authors of 365 Days of Classroom Fun have outlined some educational activities that you and your students will love. Below are seven exciting classroom ideas for April.

1) April Fool’s Day – April 1st

Suggested Activities: Children absolutely love practical jokes! So, kick off April Fool’s Day with a couple of funny jokes of your own. Then, invite your class to come up with their own jokes or pranks to play after lunch. Close out the day by telling one more April Fool’s joke your students can share with their families when they get home. Teachers say this is one of their favorite classrooms ideas for April.

  • Teach students about the history of April Fool’s Day. They will be surprised to hear that it dates back over 400 years!
  • Invite your students to share their favorite jokes or pranks. Be sure to remind them to avoid jokes that may hurt another student’s feelings.
  • Celebrate April Fool’s Day by playing little tricks on your students. For instance, set the clock back an hour or rearrange your students’ desks.

2) World Autism Day – April 2nd

Suggested Activities: Autism is on the rise in America, with roughly 1 in 59 children carrying a diagnosis of autism or a related disorder. As a teacher, you can encourage your students to treat everyone — including peers who may have autism — with kindness.

  • Teach students what autism is. Using simple terms, explain the challenges autistic children face. Show your class how to be kind and patient.
  • Invite students to suggest things they can do to help autistic peers feel comfortable and welcome.
  • Celebrate World Autism Day by wearing blue. And, post interesting facts about autism on the classroom wall for students to read.

3) Caramel Popcorn Day – April 6th

Suggested Activities: Who doesn’t love a tasty snack at school? If you can bring a popcorn popper to class, then you can really make Caramel Popcorn Day special for your students! Make it a surprise by placing the popcorn popper front and center in the room — the kids will see it as they file into class.

You can start the day by asking if anyone knows why you brought a popcorn popper to class. Once you have peaked your students’ interest, let them know that everyone will be celebrating Caramel Popcorn Day at 1:30 p.m. (or the time of your choosing). 

If school regulations prevent you from popping corn in your classroom, bring individual bags of caramel popcorn for your students. Remember to inquire about allergies and make sure the hot popcorn cools a bit before you and your students tuck in. Celebrating Caramel Popcorn Day is one of our best classroom ideas for April!

4) Name Yourself Day – April 9th

Suggested Activities: Kick off Name Yourself Day by posing this simple question as soon as your class is seated: “Raise your hand if you have ever wished you could change your name to anything you want.” You will likely see many hands shoot up in the air! You can also get the ball rolling by sharing a time in your life when you wished you had a different name.

Give your class a few minutes to come up with unique names for themselves. While they’re thinking, pass out large self-adhesive name tags to each student. Ask everyone to write their “dream name” on their tag and wear it the rest of the day. Make a game out of the exercise by inviting your students to call each other by their “dream names” the rest of the day!

5) Thomas Jefferson Day – April 13th

Suggested Activities: Who was Thomas Jefferson? And, why should we honor his memory? These are questions your class will be able to answer with ease by the end of Thomas Jefferson Day! Here are some tips to make this day fun for your students:

  • Teach your students that Thomas Jefferson was our third President. Talk about the Declaration of Independence and why he wrote it.
  • Provide each student with a note card containing a fun fact about Thomas Jefferson to share with the classroom. 
  • Celebrate by hanging photos of Thomas Jefferson around your classroom. Also, remember to serve ice cream or another of Jefferson’s favorite snacks!

6) Save The Elephants Day – April 16th

Suggested Activities: Children have great affection for animals and often enjoy taking care of them. So, get ready for a rush of enthusiasm when you announce Save The Elephants Day! In fact, this is one of our most popular classroom ideas for April. To make this day memorable for your class:

  • Teach your students why elephants are endangered and what they can do to help keep elephants safe.
  • Invite students to wear their favorite elephant-themed clothing or jewelry. In addition, post images of elephants around your classroom.
  • Celebrate by adopting a baby elephant in Africa! You can do this for as little as $50 and your students will make a powerful difference in the life of an endangered animal. Plus, your students will love receiving monthly updates and stories about their adopted elephant’s progress.

7) International Dance Day – April 29th

Suggested Activities: Children love exercise routines, especially if they’re set to music. They are also curious about other cultures. By celebrating International Dance Day, you can transform your classroom into a vibrant, festive hippodrome! 

  • Teach your students how to perform a few international dances. Consider inviting a few international dancers to class to help teach your students the proper dance steps.
  • Invite students to practice mirroring the instructor’s dance movements.  
  • Celebrate by playing international dance music throughout the day. In addition, encourage students to dress like their favorite international dancers.

How to Keep Students Engaged Throughout the School Year

April is packed with great holidays you can use to make learning fun for your class. But, why stop with these classroom ideas for April? You can keep your classroom bustling with excitement throughout the school year by purchasing the book 365 Days of Classroom Fun.

With a book filled with enjoyable holiday-themed activities for students, you’ll never find yourself short on lesson plan ideas. Order your copy today through Amazon to make your classroom a learning haven for students!

365 Days of Classroom Fun

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How To Lead A Low-Stress Move To A Child Care Management System

4 Important Steps To Help You & Your Staff Embrace The Digital Age

The benefits of moving to a child care management system are numerous and well documented. What is far less well known is how to prepare. Transitioning from traditional processes to digital tools and electronic records can be a significant challenge for some organizations and their staffers. However, there are some simple practical steps child care professionals can take to prepare their people and businesses for the move.

Plan The Move With Your Staff And Tell Everyone The Plan

We’ve all often heard the old axiom “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”, however having a great plan will not be sufficient to ensure a smooth transition. Equally important is to articulate that plan to your staff and gaining the buy-in, at least from your leadership team, vital to a successful implementation. All too often the decision to move to a child care system is made by the executive team, board members, or ownership without gaining the support of the staff members that will be tasked with implementing the system and/or using it on a day-to-day basis. Almost invariably, this leads to a “staff revolt” and can either greatly impede or even shut down your transition efforts.

Embrace The Digital Age In 4 Simple Steps

Even before you schedule your first demo with a child care management software provider, you can begin the transition process by updating the way you and your staff handle and keep records. Most traditional child care centers are very paper intensive between piles of enrollment forms and check-in sheets, not to mention documentation and claim forms for programs like CACFP. Your first task will be to lead your team into the “electronic age” with just a few new steps.

1. Convert Your Paper Files To Digital

Purchase a quality scanner for staff to use in converting all your enrollment packets into digital files. I think we can all agree that digital files are far less expensive and time-consuming to store or retrieve. Further, if a paper version of the form is needed it can be printed on demand. While this is “an extra step” for your staff, it is a necessary and temporary step which will pay dividends in terms of time and reduced stress when the time comes to implement your new child care management software and apps.

2. Store Your Digital Files In The Cloud

In order to fully realize the benefit of your move to electronic records, you will want to use a cloud storage service. Cloud storage is becoming more-and-more ubiquitous as it is offered by all the major software providers such as AppleMicrosoftAmazon, and Google in addition to more singularly focused providers like DropBoxiDrive, or FlipDrive. Most of these solutions are easy to use and are either free or minimal cost. Be sure to start with the minimum storage option from your selected provider and allow your volume of actual digital files to determine the size storage option best for your business.

3. Create A Customer List From An Excel File

For those of you operating solely with paper processes, please don’t let the word, “database” scare you off. A database can be a simple spreadsheet created in common programs such as Microsoft Excel. For those who are already familiar with spreadsheets and databases, there is a key item you may be missing. I am referring to a student ID number of some kind. The exact numbering convention is irrelevant, however, what is important is that the student ID numbers of each student should be listed in the fields/cells of their respective parent(s).

This is usually accomplished by simply adding a column for student ID(s) to your spreadsheet/database of parents. This simple step can save a significant amount of time, and even money, associated with migrating your customer information to a new child care management software.

4. Communicate Changes… Ad Nauseum

All parents are accustomed to the collage of paper flyers, announcements, notices and newsletters that accompany having a child in preschool or child care center. Make a concerted effort to switch most, if not all, of these communications to email. It’s true that, in increasingly rare cases, there are parents who remain obstinate with respect to electronic communications, so your organization will still need to retain the ability to produce paper versions of these communications. However, you and your staff will likely quickly realize the freedom and cost reductions that come hand-in-glove with moving to electronic communications.

This is by-no-means a comprehensive list, however, taking these steps will not only prepare your information for the transition but your people as well. The biggest hurdle for most organizations in moving to cloud-based child care management system is all too often not finding the right software and equipment but preparing and gaining buy-in from the staff. The best way we’ve seen to gain that buy-in is to effectively communicate how making the move will benefit their job specifically.

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Demystifying Electronic Payment

Demystifying the electronic payment process so that you can accept credit card payments from parents.

It’s time to cut through the confusion surrounding electronic payments so that you can make the right options for your organization more clear. With off-the-shelf options like PayPal and Square, in addition to the myriad other choices flooding the market today it’s easy to get confused. However, with knowledge of just a few basic terms and concepts your choices will become much simpler.

Gateway: Many of you already process credit card payments through a terminal or point of sale system at your child care center. To accomplish this you had to set up a merchant account which processes your credit card transactions, deducts transaction fees and other charges, and then deposits the remaining balance into your bank account. When it comes to processing credit cards and other transactions such as ACH on the web, or through an app, you will need one additional party known as a gateway. Many merchant account providers are affiliated with a gateway, or in some cases are gateways themselves. In either case fees for these services may or may not show up on your bill as many merchant account providers build the fees into their transaction fees and other charges. Gateway fees can range between $15 and $50 a month for access to a gateway if you are processing credit cards online. Remember that having a merchant account does not automatically mean that you have a gateway or can process payments online as these services must be set up explicitly.

Choosing your providers: With that said, we can now dive into deciding which options work best for your organization. There are numerous providers when it comes to online payments for your organization beginning with off-the-shelf providers such as PayPal and Square. While off-the-shelf providers are enormously popular, easy to set up, and offer freebies they also represent the high side of individual transaction rates. Other child care systems also provide these type of services usually by reselling them packaged with their existing products and charges. These services can be a good option for in-home childcare businesses, or child care centers that are just getting started and have a small number of transactions each month. Most banks and credit unions can provide you with individual transaction rates that often significantly reduce costs to your organization overtime. Additionally, substantial savings can be had by going with a value-added-merchant service providers like our partners at First American. These partners offer “rate matching” and a host of other services in addition to the ability to process ACH transactions. This is an important consideration as most off-the-shelf services do not work with ACH, which is increasingly popular among child care customers.

At the end of the day you want to choose a service provider that will be transparent with costs, provide the greatest range of services, and meet the financial needs of both your customers and your organization. A great first step is to check with your current bank or credit union which will provide a good option, or at least a benchmark for vetting other value-added partners like ours. Please let us know if you have any questions about electronic payments for child care centers, or any other child care management tips you would like for us to provide in the future!

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Child Care Accounting Made Easy

How To Collect Tuition & Payments From Parents Without All The Fuss

Money is such a sensitive subject. No one wants to have to ask for it, but many people simply don’t want to part with it. It is one of the more challenging issues child care center administrators and owners face. To run a business successfully, you must carefully balance your cash flow both in and out of the business.

While you’re busy checking kids in and out, monitoring all of your various teachers and classrooms, and handling any and all parental concerns, you’re also managing the books. You’re taking in tuition payments, fees of varying sorts, and additional costs for field trips or other activities offered at the center. You’re also managing the outflow to cover your rent, utilities, staff payroll, and various materials, supplies, and snacks needed to actually run your classrooms and feed the children. To turn a profit, you have to carefully set up your cost structure as well as carefully manage your costs. It’s a tricky balance, but there are tools that can simplify this process.

Whether you are a new or well established daycare, preschool, or after school care center, the key to ensuring timely payments from your parents requires 3 important things:

1. How To Make It Easy For Parents To Pay Tuition & Fees

Parents are busy; like you, they spend 95% of their day multitasking. They are rushing in and out of your center focused on their workday ahead, planning the evening dinner routine, trying to remember who has a birthday/anniversary this week, and whether they remembered to pack the right things for the child they just dropped off with you.

Sometimes finances are tight. Unplanned (and expensive) events happen to families regularly, and sometimes cash flow can become an issue for a parent. Give them the option to pay by credit card. Though credit card companies can charge hefty fees for using their services, you can opt to pass these charges through to your families as a processing fee.

Stopping a parent to discuss payments during pick up or drop off is not likely to result in an immediate payment — they simply don’t have the time to stop and write you a check on the spot. Worse, if they’re suffering financial problems, it may be an embarrassing conversation for them. Do everything you can to make billing simple for them.

  • Provide online billing options so they can log in and pay after the kiddos go to bed, or on a break during the day.
  • Offer automatic payments for tuition, fees and other expenses via draft, ACH payments, and credit card payments so parents don’t have to try to remember whether they’ve paid.
  • Send reminders by email or text message rather than trying to catch parents in person during drop off or pick up

2. Think About How Your Clients Prefer To Receive Invoices & Bills

Be sure to consider the method by which you send invoices or bills as well as how you account for payments based on your clientele. Some may not have easy access to computers or email. Some may be paid monthly, whereas others are paid bi-monthly or even weekly. So many want to pay by cash or check. Some may want or need to prepay. Being flexible in an effort to accommodate your clientele is extremely important. You want to make payments as easy as possible so as to keep families on track with timely payments.

If you are uncertain of what your clients need in terms of billing and payment options, you can survey them both formally (through a custom form within a child care management system or surveying website such as Survey Monkey) or informally through simple verbal or written onsite surveys. Understanding the easiest way in which to bill and accept payments will help ensure more timely payments.

3. Communicate Tuition, Payment, And Fee Information Regularly

Parents have a lot to keep up with, so be sure to communicate account amounts as well as ways in which to pay early and often. This allows families to plan for these payments, especially when additional fees (such as early drop off and late pick up fees, field trip fees, lunch funds due, etc.) are involved. Understanding the best ways to contact families regarding such is vital. Options include emailing statements, hard copy statements, access to parent portals through child care management systems, newsletters, etc. Be sure to have a way to send reminders when families miss important due dates and deadlines. It is rare that you can over communicate such information.

Whether you are managing a single daycare, preschool or after school care facility or multiple, Prime Child Care Software can help! This comprehensive, easy-to-use child care software provides multiple options to help you manage tuitionfeesmeals, and multiple payment methods with just a few clicks. It allows you to manage families with multiple children at a single facility, account for subsidy payments, such as CACFP or other third party payments with ease. You can handle account payable/receivable within a single solution, as well as run reports by child, family, sponsor, and more. It is a cost effective tool to make the accounting part of your job much easier.

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